Pet Accommodation Essex, UK - Kennels, Catteries & Pet Hotels

Pet Care

Finding suitable accommodation for pets is often as important as finding a property for people. We always strive to re-house pets with their owners wherever we can because we understand what a difference having your family pet with you can make. However, where that is simply not possible we will suggest kennel and cattery options locally and for VIP’s (Very Important Pets) a pet hotel.

We work hard to find a solution to your pets accommodation requirements that works best for you and them

Pets are important to you, we understand that and so we will do everything we can to ensure that your pet is re-housed with you at your temporary accommodation. Unfortunately, many property owners are unable to accept pets, especially where they advertise their properties as ‘pet-free’. Where that is the case we will discuss your pet’s requirements with you in order to find a suitable solution for them.

This is not something that has to be an afterthought and very often our pet owners will suggest a pet home they have themselves used previously or had recommended to them by a friend. We are happy to look at all available options so that your pet is cared for whilst you are in temporary accommodation.


Our aim is to help the clients that come to us through each stage of the process.

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Our team will work hard to find the best solution to your pet’s accommodation requirements in your area. We have a network of kennels, catteries and other pet accommodation across the UK we can recommend to you but we do understand that this is a matter of personal choice. Every pet has specific requirements and so we will take the time to find a solution that works best for you and your pet.

We will talk to you about what you need in terms of your pets living arrangements while you go through the home relocation process.

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A3 Accommodation Solutions

We take on every new client’s situation with a fresh perspective, assessing each customer’s requirements on an individual basis and acting upon your needs. Customer Service Excellence is something that we take very seriously so you can be sure that the service you get from us is specific to you and your individual circumstances and is delivered promptly, courteously and in a professional manner.
